414-764-5550 6217 S. Packard Ave Cudahy, WI 53110


Endodontics & RootCanal


Endodontic therapy, more commonly known as a root canal, is needed when the nerve of a tooth has become irreversibly irritated or infected as a result for tooth decay or other damage. 

This treatment is done in order to eliminate the source of pain and infection for the patient and allow them to save their own natural tooth instead removing the tooth and undergoing more costly replacement options. The doctors at Cudahy Dental and their talented local endodontists (root canal specialists) make every attempt possible to alleviate tooth related discomfort and keep you smiling comfortably with your own teeth!

Office Address

 6217 S. Packard Ave Cudahy, WI 53110



Monday - Thursday07:00 - 6:00
Friday07:00 - 1:00

Get Directions

6217 S Packard Ave | Cudahy, WI 53110

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