414-764-5550 6217 S. Packard Ave Cudahy, WI 53110




The dentists at Cudahy Dental know that each patient and every tooth has different needs. Fortunately, preventative care and fluoride have decreased the incidence of tooth decay over the years. In that same time, the materials and techniques for restoring decayed, damaged and  missing teeth have improved immensely.

Dental restorations come in many shapes, sizes and appearances. The dentists at Cudahy Dental are expertly trained to provide a customized treatment plan for each patient’s needs ranging from composite resin (tooth colored) and amalgam (silver) restorations to more extensive and custom fabricated restorations like crowns (caps) and bridges.


Many of these procedures, including crowns, can often be performed in a single office visit.

Reasons for restorative dentistry:

  • Enhance your smile.
  • Fill in unattractive spaces between teeth.
  • Improve or correct an improper bite.
  • Prevent the loss of a tooth.
  • Relieve dental pain.
  • Repair damaged and decayed teeth.
  • Replace missing teeth.
  • Replace old, unattractive dental treatments.
  • Restore normal eating and chewing.

Remember to give your teeth the attention they need today!


Office Address

 6217 S. Packard Ave Cudahy, WI 53110



Monday - Thursday07:00 - 6:00
Friday07:00 - 1:00

Get Directions

6217 S Packard Ave | Cudahy, WI 53110

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